(She also mourned the layoff of the BuzzFeed community manager she says made her fall “in love with making content.”) This contributor has posted 100 quizzes in just the past three months at the top of the page sits her user tagline, “hire me buzzfeed.” Another contributor has written nearly 200 quizzes and notes on her LinkedIn that she’s had over 150 posts promoted on the BuzzFeed homepage, with the most popular one drawing 1.2 million views. Two of those quizzes were published by a contributor who’d published 80 of them in the past year. Not exactly alert-the-Pulitzer-committee stuff, but people click on it!
#Buzzfeed music instruments quiz tv
Those include I Bet We Can Correctly Guess Your Soulmate’s Name Based On These 9 Questions, Describe Your Perfect Night And We’ll Tell You The Initials Of Your Soulmate, Build A Bubble Tea And We’ll Tell You Which Netflix Original TV Show Is Based Off Your Life, Can We Guess Your Age And Bra Size Based On The Colors You Choose?, We Know Which Character From “The Office” You Truly Are Based On What You Eat At Chipotle, Make Your Ideal Sandwich And We’ll Tell You Which Cardi B Lyric Is Your Motto, and Which “Friends” Character Are You Most Like Based On The Furniture You Buy At UO? And indeed, of the top 15 “Trending Quizzes” on BuzzFeed right now, 12 were written by “Community Contributors” rather than BuzzFeed staffers. May 20, 2013I of course knew that BuzzFeed had a robust “community content” operation (we wrote about it back in 2013), but I didn’t quite appreciate the scale of it. So, in a ruthless capitalist way, it makes sense for the company to pivot to having community users create almost all of the quizzes going forward. It’s kinda amazing how much revenue-generating traffic the site gets from unpaid community volunteers.
#Buzzfeed music instruments quiz driver
In the recent past, the second highest traffic driver worldwide has been a community user in Michigan who is a teenager in college who, for some reason, makes dozens of quizzes every week. But another thing that is true is that a LOT of the site’s overall traffic comes from quizzes and a VERY large portion of that traffic comes from a constant flow of amateur quizzes made by community users. You might be wondering - wait, why would they lay you off? You were doing the quizzes, and that brings in a lot of money! Well, that is true. Matthew Perpetua, a music writer and editor who became BuzzFeed’s director of quizzes, wrote about his position ending on his site Fluxblog (emphasis mine): There was one departure today that gave us a little bit of insight into part of BuzzFeed’s publishing model. my qualifications are i'm not a complete idiot and not afraid of data and chai goth, a hit 2000s reality show Survivor fan January 25, 2019 Please uh send any senior level social roles or content strategist openings me way. BOSE let me listen to the last 30 minutes of Annih January 28, 2019 I'm heartbroken and a little nervous about my future, but also excited for whatever comes next. I wouldn't be where I am today without the weird-ass co-workers who've now become some of my best friends. This has already been said so many times over the past few days but it’s worth repeating: the people here really are some of the best I’ve ever met, and at times it was a truly magical place to work.Īfter almost 4 years, today will be my last day at BuzzFeed. I am out of a job, my dudes.Īfter 4.5 years at BuzzFeed, I was laid off today. After 4 and a half years at BuzzFeed, my position is being eliminated. After 4 years, 4 months, and 5 days, I've been let go from BuzzFeed. The impact of the deeper-than-expected multi-day cuts to BuzzFeed continue, with more layoffs being announced via tweet, with more of today’s seeming to come from the buzz side of the operation rather than the news side (which was hit hard on Friday).