One piece arcs
One piece arcs

one piece arcs

In the first half, "Iron Mask" Duval, leader of the Flying Fish Riders who has a beef with Sanji due to resembling Sanji's badly drawn wanted poster.Thriller Bark Arc: Gecko Moria, who stole Brook's shadow (and later the Monster Trio's) and wishes to build an army of zombies to take revenge on Kaido.Enies Lobby Arc: Spandam, with Rob Lucci as the Dragon-in-Chief who wish to send Robin through the Gates of Justice so she can be tortured for information the Government could use to revive the Ancient Weapon Pluton.Uncovering the truth reveals that Rob Lucci, one of the shipwrights of Water 7, is a member of CP9 who is under orders from Spandam, to capture Robin and Franky as they possess the knowledge and blueprints to revive the Ancient Weapon Pluton. However, a conspiracy comes to life in the second act when Robin, who disappears early in the arc, attacks the mayor of Water 7 in his home, causing the Straw Hats to become public enemies number one. Water 7 Arc: Franky and the Franky Family, a group of bounty-hunting ship dismantlers who steal the money needed to repair the Going Merry from the Straw Hats and beat up Usopp, actions that would lead to a ripple effect wherein Usopp and Luffy would come to blows over the fate of the ship.He later serves as the Greater-Scope Villain of the Water 7 Saga after giving Spandam the means to enact a Buster Call and ordering Robin to be brought in alive due to his past with her. After Foxy is defeated, a last minute threat appears in the form of Admiral Aokiji, who tries to kill Nico Robin on a whim. Long Ring Long Land Arc: Foxy, being a threat only due to the Davy Back Fight he played with the Straw Hats, and would have resulted in the dissolution of the Straw Hats had he won.His influence can be felt in the subsequent arcs due to the introduction of Haki. He planned to destroy the island due to his god complex and deciding to wipe out all the Sky Islands. Skypiea Arc: Eneru, the self-proclaimed 'God' of Skypiea.Jaya Arc: Bellamy the Hyena, who terrorized the island and stole from Luffy's friends.Alabasta Arc: Sir Crocodile, who executed a civil war in the eponymous nation due to well-timed False Flag Operations against the king whom he attempted to frame for the ongoing drought in the nation, so that he becomes its ruler and finds the location of Pluton, one of the Three Ancient Weapons.Drum Island Arc: Wapol, the former ruler of Drum (now Sakura) kingdom, who attempted to forcibly take back his country after being deposed due to running away from Blackbeard and his crew's attack.3, who was assigned by Crocodile to kill the Straw Hats and Vivi before they expose the latter's schemes to the world. 5 and Miss Valentine are technically this, and although they terrify Vivi and Igaram, Luffy and Zoro consider them an annoyance at best. Although they are both Harmless Villains, and Miss Wednesday is a subversion, being revealed to be Good All Along in the following arc. 9, by virtue of attempting to kill Crocus and Laboon for the latter's meat. Reverse Mountain Arc: Miss Wednesday and Mr.This list has been revamped to better reflect the analyze the massive arcs One Piece is known for. The Wano Country Arc is still going and has yet to end, but fans are eager to see where the Straw Hat crew goes next. Each story isn't the same but still creates an emotional impact. Updated on July 20th, 2022 by Olivia Subero: One Piece is a well-loved shonen classic with multiple sagas and arcs. While some arcs have plenty of stories to tell, they aren't always super memorable. Longer arcs tend to be more critical to the story, but not all of them are created equally. One Piece's arcs vary wildly in length, with some storylines being more extended than an average anime's runtime. RELATED: One Piece: 15 Best Story Arcs, Ranked

one piece arcs

This decision lets each segment take as long or as short as it needs to add to the overall narrative. It never tries to conform its stories into seasons like other shows and instead divides them into story arcs. One Piece is one of the longest-running anime to date.

One piece arcs